Thanks so much to our families for their love and support.
Thank you for all the loving gifts we received this week!
Aaron immediately reading his new book from Uncle Ben! Thanks Uncle Ben! |
Alexander coloring |
A lot of our week has looked like this. Lots of cuddling. And sounded something like... Mommy, the new baby has a head? Yes Mommy, the new baby has a tummy? Yes Mommy, the new baby gots socks? No, no socks yet. Mommy, the new baby got shirt? No, no shirt until it's born. No clothes until it's born. Oh.......... |
Also lots and lots of reading together |
The packages came! Thank you! Everything seemed fine except for a slight cocoa powder explosion, but Nate's pants were already cocoa powder colored so it all works out. Thanks so much Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jeff! |
Also thanks Uncle Ben! |
The boys stuffing their faces with candy. :) |
Thank You! Love, Andrew |
Thanks Uncle Ben! |
Alexander also drew you a bunch of dinosaurs. |
Also thanks to Grandpa John and Grandma Sharla for the treat money. It arrived and we went right out to the little shop to get ice cream. |
And Aaron loves his new book so much he just might sleep with it. |
Thanks again everyone!
Nate, Anna, Aaron, Andrew, Alexander, and Baby Rugg #4