Saturday, May 23, 2015

This Week

Aaron finished reading By The Shores of Silver Lake

Andrew finished reading the full version of Pilgrim's Progress all by himself this wekk

By Andrew

Some of Alexander's works of art this week

Aaron's Olympics events include:
Back and Forth
Shortcut Race
Treasure Hunt
 Timed Hide and Seek

Andrew made his one alphabet:
From Acri to Zinga

In Andrew's Olympic Games there is a race where a tractor with a claw on top
chases you and tries to catch you if you are too slow.


Helping make granola

Secret Brothers Club
Counting Cars

Smoothie party

Summer meal

Time for cold drinks

Pretty Chamomile tea

Snap circuits project

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun this past week. Your Olympics look even more fun than the real Olympics.

    Grandma Sharla
