Saturday, July 30, 2016

This Week

Aaron made carrot cake almost entirely by himself.

Abigail has the amazing ability of being able to fall asleep in our chaos.
Here the boys were singing at the top of their lungs and she drifted off.

She has a little bit of hair in the back.

She looks like a flower mom!

You know what this dress is good for...

Ready to snuggle

Abigail is starting to play with toys!

Alexander and "Alfred" the puppet he made with grape eyes

Reason #1057 to learn at home:
Wearing buckets on your head while doing school is not a problem.

This is "Strong Super-Hero"

He can fight off all of the bad guys!

He can make funny faces too.

And he is awfully cute.

Andrew grating potatoes for potato pancakes

Missing both front teeth now.

Read a book this week that talked about considering how your work
 can not only make the world a better place,
but also make you a better person.

Abigail hanging out with daddy while he works.

I still love these napkins I made with fabric from Ben and Nicole. (Thanks again!)
So glad almost all of our things survived storage during our trip.

Pompa the Barbarian
By Alexander Rugg

This is Pompa. He is my favorite barbarian. He has
two small eyes, one little telescope, a big bottom, and
two little legs. He eats all of the bad guys. He helps
all of the good guys and loves them forever.
Pompa is very strong. He has two small hands, a little
shield, and a big long sword.

Body Systems by Aaron

Body Systems
By Andrew

Aaron's self portrait
Alexander's self portrait

Andrew's self portrait

Pooh Bear and the Rubber Band Guns
By Aaron

Sequel to the Amazing Shot
Dedicated to Grandpa Jeff

So I started reading the plant book again this week.
I might not be the gardener who can kill a rock garden,
but the only plant that can seem to survive in my house is the one that
can also survive with no one around to water it for 7 months.

1 comment:

  1. Abigail's personality really shines through! Great stories and pictures!
