Monday, June 22, 2015

Aaron's Birthday

Getting Ready

Waking up

It was father's day on the same day. The boys made lots of things for daddy.
(Made us remember Aaron's first birthday, which was also on father's day.)

Andrew and the Super Dad action figure and book he made and his Super Dad.

Reading Aaron's My Dad is Great book.

Eleven drink

Funny Frodo

Building with new Hobbit Legos from grandma and grandpa

Legolas discovers his bow

Archery practice with Smaug

Aaron as Legolas

Alexander as Frodo
(note the hairy feet flip flops)

Alexander as Gimli

Andrew as Gandolf

You shall not pass!

Andrew as Gimli

LOTR family

Aragorn and Arwen

Mini archery

One donut to rule the all

Opening presents from Grandma Sharla and Grandpa John

Opening Presents from Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jeff

Opening presents from Great Grand parents

One present was a balloon with something inside

Ah-hah! Got it!

Riddles in the Dark

Defeating Sheilob the pinata

Battling Smaug pinata

Ak! Sheilob caught Aaron

The older two boys spent a long time trying to destroy the giant spier's web.

One ring cake

Happy Birthday Boy

Guess by feel game

Thanks to everyone involved in Aaron's birthday and life. He is very blessed and had a great birthday.


  1. Looks like you had quite a birthday! I love the costumes. And the picture from the riddles in the dark!!

    1. He had a good birthday I think.

      And actually thank you guys for the glow sticks for the riddles in the dark. I think you guys picked them up for the family reunion last summer and we took the extras with us all the way over here. We've been spreading them out to make them last so we still had some and I thought they'd be the perfect prize for the riddles. Anyway, thanks!

  2. What a wonderful day! Aaron, you look just like Legolas!!!
